Monday, July 02, 2007

Patience is a Virtue

I admit, I'm not a patient person. Actually, a more accurate description would be that I don't like not being able to be in control, even if it's only in my mind. While at the beach this past week, I ran across a smallish conch shell that had been taken over by a hermit crab. I took it as my personal mission to attempt to get a decent picture of the creature. MUC and GLB were busy playing in the surf, and I carefully positioned the shell with the sun at my back. And there I sat, in the sand, waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

I was finally rewarded with tentative forays by the crab, only to watch in amused frustration as the crab decided he'd rather take a trek to the dunes than back to the shoreline.
So, up I pop, trusty point-and-shoot POS camera in hand, trying like mad to get a decent shot.

The crab, without ever showing more than some leg, got himself oriented toward the surf and took off. I hit the beach like it was D-Day at Normandy and snapped as quickly as the point-and-shoot would let me. I know my SIL, who was playing with the boys in the ocean must have thought I had lost my mind.

But, it was worth it, because when it was all said and done, I actually got a photo worthy of the sand, salt, wind and grit in odd places.

I still want a decent camera, though.
No animals or shell or sensitive body parts were hurt in the shooting of the photos for this blog entry. I'm still not sure how I got the weird rash on my torso.


Anonymous said...

"I'm still not sure how I got the weird rash on my torso"


Lisa said...

Great series of photos!