Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Been a Long Time Since I Rock-n-Rolled

I knew it had been a while since I had posted anything on the blog, but I really hadn't realized quite how long until I finally got around to putting up a new post tonight. I can blame some of it on the move (we moved into a new house...have I mentioned that?), as we went for quite a spell without TV, cable, internet or house phone service. We still had our cell phones, but as for the house number, it hadn't transferred. The whole house transaction happened from start - Nec and I decided we would look for a house to purchase - to finish - signing the contracts, mortgage papers, papers that say we are who we say we are and all possible aliases we might potentially use - within 3 weeks. Therefore, by the time we knew where we were going, it took a while to contact the utilities. And, they were in NO hurry to switch services.

Now, services are up and running, and the household, while not unpacked, is at least moderately functioning. With school now out, I spend a large portion of my day entertaining The Things while pretending I'm unpacking. When we all get cabin fever, we go outside (in the extreme heat) and work in the yard. Frankly, we have more fun there. Unfortunately, it's just too hot to do too much. Like most kids, MUC can create fun. Here's a shot of Sprinkler Kung Fu.

I also caught a pair of cardinals bathing themselves on the soaker hose in one of the flower beds. These pictures aren't the best, as it was late in the day, but the birds were really fun to watch.

It's been mentioned to me that pictures of MUC tend to feature more prominently in this blog than those of GLB. It's not an intentional thing. It's rather more a difference of personality and age. I can get decent photos with The Things, as you can see.

However, photos of GLB on his own tend to go something like this.

If you hit the link, you see what I mean.


Lisa said...

Great cardinal photos! The beak on that female looks fluorescent.

I miss seeing cardinals, which don't live on the west coast. The last summer that I worked on the east coast, I had my eye out for three particular birds, which we don't see here. I got my blue jay right away, saw the cardinal on my very last day, and never saw the bobolink.

Tell your little birdie to get his wing out of his beak. If he refuses, tell him that you're gonna start force feeding him worms.

Eidolon said...

Welcome back. Maybe one of these days I will write the ones in my head too... I have had a number of topics but never gotten around to doing them.