Friday, September 12, 2008

Might Not Be Bartlett's, but the Point's the Same...

I'm not really a political person. At least, not in the way it seems to be some type of homecoming pep rally. I supposed I just have a different view of government and service. I have my beliefs and others are free to have theirs which I'll defend to the death for them to have (this IS America, after all), but I'm not so interested in hashing them out.

I've been asking myself a question lately, though. Because I have a vagina, does one of the major political parties really believe one is as good as another and I'll vote for any? What kind of election whore does that make me? Is that *really* what they think of us? How totally insulting and degrading is this?

So I've tried not to fall into the obvious trap and to be open minded and fair. I've tried to listen to positions and issues on both sides. But so far, all I've heard is Side 1: Change (which, admittedly, is a position albeit a rather broad and nonspecific one), and Side 2: The Change Side 1 is talking about isn't a position on the issues.

I have tried to get the substitute vagina thing. So far, all I've heard is lipstick, pit bulls, and The Bridge on the River Kwai Too Far to Nowhere. Of course, this is also the same person who said if the Pledge of Allegiance was good enough for the Founding Fathers it was good enough for her. Makes it a tough call.

This morning, I listened to the news on the radio, and as I listened to what was said by the candidate in question (who never did really answer the questions, now that I think about it) all I could do was shake my head and be reminded of the following quote:

You know, Ms. Gibbs, growing up in the rural part of Georgia, I've been around
compost all my life. I've seen it loaded onto wagons and tilled, hoed and spread
across fields far and wide. But until today, I must say, I've never seen it tied
up and gift wrapped in quite so neat and tidy and 'pretty' a package.
Congratulations. You're a very clever girl. But it's still compost. Now if
you'll excuse me, I leave you to dig your way out. You do know how to dig, don't
you? You just get down on your hands and knees, and shovel.

Thank you, Julia Sugarbaker.

BTW: I promise to get back to yarn, knitting, butterflies or stupid family stuff very soon.

Edited to add this Julia quote, because I forgot about this episode, but it applies somewhat as well, and Julia's always good for a harangue. From "The Candidate":

I do not think everyone in America is ignorant! Far from it! But we
are today, probably, the most uneducated, under read, and illiterate nation in
the western hemisphere. Which makes it all the more puzzling to me why the
biggest question on your small mind is whether or not little Johnny is gonna
recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning! I'll tell you something else, Mr.
Brickett. I have had it up to here with you and your phony issues and your
Yankee Doodle yakking! If you like reciting the Pledge of Allegiance everyday
then I think you should do it! In the car! In the shower! Wherever the mood
strikes you! But don't try to tell me when or where I have to say or do or
salute anything, because I am an American too, and that is what being an
American is all about! And another thing, I am sick and tired of being made to
feel that if I am not a member of a little family with 2.4 children who goes
just to Jerry Fallwell's church and puts their hands over their hearts every
morning that I am unreligious, unpatriotic, and un-American! Because I've got
news for you, Mr. Brickett. All liberals are not kooks, anymore than all
conservatives are fascists! And the last time I checked, God was neither a
Democratic nor a Republican! And just for your information, yes I am a liberal,
but I am also a Christian. And I get down on my knees and pray everyday - on my
own turf - on my own time. One of the things that I pray for, Mr. Brickett is
that people with power will get good sense, and that people with good sense will
get power... and that the rest of us will be blessed with the patience and the
strength to survive the people like you in the meantime!

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