Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Splendor in the Grass

Yesterday, I decided the grass MUST be cut. Immediately. Do not stop, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Why, you ask? Here's a representative photo of MUC assisting. I think you'll understand my reasoning when you see it.
I know what you're thinking. You're saying to yourself, "yeah, but he's a little kid." Here's a shot of the adult, grown-up, DC-10 style push mower we use. In the grass. That came to my waist.

In our defense, only one section of the backyard grows like this, and the front has seen some blade action recently. All our vacation going has made cutting the back yard fall far down on the priority list, you know, past sleeping, and knitting, and watching Pirates of the Caribbean for the sixty ga-jillionth time.
Any way, it didn't take long before MUC complained of boredom. I gave him permission to take the POS camera (if he drops it, I get a *new* one....a *better* one) and shoot pictures while we were outside. I had no idea what he took pictures of until I downloaded my photos for my post on The Legacy. There were some headless bodies, weird angles and blurry shots, but he also got some pretty clear shots at times. So, here's my backyard through MUC's eyes. The bluebird box, the birdbath (notice the pine straw in it) and the dog. All fairly normal shots for a kid with a camera, I'd say.

But then, the kid gets avant-garde on me. Check out these that followed in fairly rapid succession.
'Cause even weeds need love.

Run, GLB, Run

Pancake fungi

And, my favorite of the bunch: Shoes.

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