Monday, December 03, 2007

A Little Fiber Is Good for You

I've been knitting relentlessly. Ceaselessly. Tirelessly.

Okay, not so much the last one. I still need copious amounts of sleep. But I have been knitting a lot, when I haven't been playing with my brand new toy. (No, it's NOT a personal product, Dr. Lucy.) I'll show you more of the toy on another post. Today is for fiber.

I knitted these Noro hats some time ago, but just got around to washing and blocking.

Because knitting and washing and blocking is infinitely more enjoyable than spending the day after Thanksgiving in Atlanta with Necropolis and The Things doing Christmas shopping. You can not imagine the horror that was my life that day. All I can say was by the end, on the ride home, I could do a very lifelike and realistic version of Madeline Khan from Clue. "Yes, I did it, I killed Yvette. I hated her, so much... That... it... it... flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, heathing... breathle - , heathing breaths. Heathing breath... "

So, unless it's online, it won't be bought by me, except for some toy purchases for The Things as it gets closer to Christmas. We've (read: I) have also decided that we're actually going to observe Advent as it is intended this year. That means Christmas will be observed, well, on Christmas. Not before. No rushing around. We will take our time getting there. We will reflect and enjoy the journey. And, to be even more off the beaten path, we're forgoing traditional ornaments. I'll putting the lights on the tree to night, but after that, every night, after lighting the advent wreath, The Things will put a few origami peace cranes on the tree each night. We may string some popcorn as well. I'll put up the nativity, but that's about it. At Christmas, that is, December 25...THAT'S when we'll celebrate. And, we'll get 12 Days of it, all the way to Epiphany.

This is a shot of our Advent wreath we made a church yesterday.

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