Monday, December 17, 2007

One Tough Cookie

It's been a while, and it's not all my lazy fault....REALLY! I have a lot of fiber stuff to talk about, actually, but that's not the main topic of conversation at the McD house these days. Tonight, MUC has his Cub Scouts banquet, and Necropolis informed me earlier in the week that I was volunteered to create 4 trophy style awards. I have to ruminate on these kinds of things, so while I was ruminate and marinating ideas, Necropolis decided to up the chaos factor a bit.

That, my friends, is what was, until Wednesday morning, Necropolis' mode of transportation. Now, it's an expensive piece of twisted metal. Luckily for everyone concerned, Necropolis had no life threatening injuries. He did get a trip to the ER, and he's still got some nagging spinal, knee and kidney issues. He thinks he's going to work tomorrow. I think he's scrambled his brains in the wreck. He couldn't even tolerate an hour at church yesterday, and he thinks he'll manage at work?

So, here it is the day before the banquet, and I finally get an idea.

The Cookies and neckerchief are made of polymer clay and painted with acrylics. The 'chips' are formed a la Van Gogh, with a little impasto technique, straight from the tube.

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